Thing 5: I was drawn to this image in Flickr. It depicts a young mother and her baby, in India. I did a report on women in India in college, and it's one of the few countries in the world where the life expectancy of women is less than that of men.
Thing 6: I really liked the Flickr color picker. What a cool way to get an image in the exact color you need!
Thing 7: What did we do before e-mail? I love it so much! What an easy and cheap way to stay in touch with friends and family! We spent a lot of time on the phone and writing letters before these advances in technology. But what are we doing with all this free time now? It seems we should have more but our lives just are getting more cluttered and complicated. Still, e-mail is my lifeline and I think it is one of the greatest technologies available.
I love the picture you picked. I love the use of color, the subject of the picture, how the picture was framed out by the photographer, and the reflection in the mirror of all the children. Everytime you look at it you see something new! Very nice choice!!!
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