Monday, August 6, 2007


Whew, I'm finally finished, I thought I'd never get here. The biggest thing I learned is that there is so much out there that I don't know. Here I was, thinking I was on top of things, where there apparently is this whole world of technology going on that I wasn't even aware of. Sometimes I wondered where people had the time to create, explore, and utilize these sites. My favorite things were setting up my own blog and posting to it, exploring other people's blogs, and learning about delicious. I've also been back to Flickr a few times and liked that. This program did give me a lot of ideas of things we could do here in the library to become more of a presence in the virtual community. I would definitely participate in something like this again. It allows us to focus and explore technology when it otherwise would get pushed aside in favor of more demanding tasks at work. I'll see you all in cyberspace!


Lynn said...

Congratulations, Jen!

BrambleRose said...

I love your avatar, very cool!
